Doctor: You lost someone.
Rogue: How do you know?
Doctor: Because I know.
Rogue: We travelled together. We had fun. Then one day, when it came to the end of the day...
Doctor: I lost everyone.
Rogue: I saw you at the party, dancing with that woman.
Doctor: My best friend.
Rogue: Do you ever wonder... why keep going?
Doctor: Because we have to. At the end of the day, we have to keep going because they can't.

Doctor: What do these things do?
Rogue: It's a trap.
[Rogue starts up the triform device]
Rogue: Stand there.
Doctor: Oh, I see. My name's Bond. Molecular Bond.

Lady Wallace, how bold of you to wear this dress that looked so good on me... last season.


Brooding. Good look. Did you practice in the mirror?


Barton: My dear, you need to learn to be admired in silence.
Ruby: Yeah, well if you spoke to me and the girls like that on an evening down at the spinning wheel, we'd rip you a new one, mate.

I'll handle this. Just try not to get engaged or accidentally invent tarmac.


Ruby: Oh my! Bridgerton. This is my actual dream.
Doctor: And the dances!
Ruby: How am I doing this? I don't know these moves.
Doctor: Psychic earrings. Choreography beams into your motor system. Tap twice to choose your moves.

Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

I'll handle this. Just try not to get engaged or accidentally invent tarmac.


Ruby: Oh my! Bridgerton. This is my actual dream.
Doctor: And the dances!
Ruby: How am I doing this? I don't know these moves.
Doctor: Psychic earrings. Choreography beams into your motor system. Tap twice to choose your moves.