Bryan: I'm sorry that upset you.
Finola: Yeah, it's OK. I just realized I'm just so mad at him that I just forget how much I miss him. I just wish I could, uh, speak to him one more time.

Nicole Hegmann is a real missing person. She vanished from Seline, Michigan, in 2019. I don't know how that's possible. The debris only began falling six months ago.


Uh, thank you, seriously, for worrying about me.


Maddox: Are you alright?
Bryan: Am I ever alright? I shot myself today.
Maddox: Well, that must be hard -- seeing the person you love most in the world dead.

Eric: Who are you?
Bryan: I'm a federal agent.

You know, I can't help but wonder what aspect of you that I would have been in your clone that matters most because you're more than just a federal agent. But it's the only thing you've shown me, and that is the least important thing.


Finola: You know, I was thinking with the clones, the order in which the first two died.
Bryan: Yeah?
Finola: Let's say they were connected to Eric. Maybe, if he is out there dying, he's surrendering parts of himself that matter the least.
Bryan: Basically, when you're dying, you're freezing to death in the elements, your body will give up the unnecessary parts to protect the most important thing.
Finola: Yeah, your heart.
Bryan: If that's true, then he's out there, hanging on to what matters most.

I think what we're seeing is three different fragments of one guy's personality. Maybe the original Eric they came from is still in the town. They're dying? Maybe he's dying. I mean, they were cloned from him.


Eric: Did you find the ball of light?
Finola: What ball of light?

Let's, um, let's just look out for each other, OK?


Finola: So, what, like there's this whole secret Peep subculture then?
Bryan: You have no idea what you're missing. We owe the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a great deal of gratitude, and I'm not afraid to say it.

Bryan: Zippo lighter, Pyrex glassware, Crayola Crayons, also made in PA. Cadillacs, they had a trimline named the Fleetwood after Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. The Fleetwood Brougham. It was a big car in the '80s. And, of course, Peeps. Insane for Peeps.
Finola: What's a "peep"?
Bryan: Come on. You've never had a Peep?
Finola: No.
Bryan: A little marshmallow candy?
Finola: No, I've never eaten a Peep.
Bryan: Wow. Crack-like. Some people think they taste better when they're stale. I happen to be one of those people.

Debris Season 1 Quotes

Bryan: You're still working?
Finola: How do you think our reports get done, Bryan?
Bryan: Somebody else does them? [she glares at him] Oh! Well, keep up the good work.

Craig: How is it working out with Finola?
Bryan: Obviously, she's falling in love with me and trying to keep it professional.
Craig: OK, copy that, gorgeous.