So, you have the multiverse at your fingertips. What would you like to see?

Jason2 [to Leighton1]

Amanda: You're not curious about what you're capable of?
Jason1: I'm terrified about what I'm capable of.

Jason2: So the question is would you leave this world if you could? Start over someplace else?
Leighton1: In a heartbeat.
Jason2: What would you give for that chance?

I trained the box pilots to not freak out, to stay in control. I've done neither of those things. Sorry.

Amanda [to Jason1]

Amanda: There's no logic to it.
Jason!: There must be. We're just not seeing it.

Amanda: Why are we seeing these fucked-up worlds?
Jason1: Because it's a multiverse and anything that can happen will happen.

Amanda: Where does it lead? If we just keep walking, where do we end up?
Jason1: Well, the multiverse is infinite. I'm guessing there is no end.

Amanda: It's just a box.
Jason1: What do you mean it's just a box? How does it work?
Amanda: I don't know. You tell me. You built this thing.
Jason1: I'm sorry. You got the one who teaches college physics.

Let's get out of here. See what we can learn. Make ourselves harder to find.

Jason [to Amanda]

Amanda: Do you think your world is behind one of these doors?
Jason: In theory.
Amanda: So, how do we find it?
Jason: I have no idea.

I'm just trying to help you remember the brilliant man that you are and this incredible thing that you credited.

Leighton [to Jason]

Jason2: What is this?
Gabriela: You were amazing tonight.

Dark Matter (2024) Quotes

Charlie: What if [Brooke] likes Drew?
Jason: Then you know the score, that she has bad taste.

Charlie {to Jason]: You know, a very bad person invented trigonometry.