When I came back, I thought I'd only have him to deal with. I should have known there would be more.

Jason1 [to Daniela]

Jason1: And even if I had an idea, I can't be the one to choose.
Charlie: Why?
Daniela: 'Cause anyplace he would think of, they could too.

Charlie: So what do we do?
Jason1: We figure it out, once we get some sleep.

At first, I liked the way he made me feel. It was like we'd gone back to the start.

Daniela [to Jason1]

Jason1: Another suggested joint custody.
Daniela: Wow. Holidays would be a nightmare.

Charlie: What's the plan?
Daniela: Don't really know yet. Just that we have to leave here tomorrow.
Charlie: Why?>
Jason1: Well, we're currently home invaders and thieves.

What the actual fuck is going on?

Blair [to two Jasons]

Charlie: Are we sure this is the only way?
Daniela: If we stay, we have to live in fear.

Dark Matter (2024) Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Jason1: And even if I had an idea, I can't be the one to choose.
Charlie: Why?
Daniela: 'Cause anyplace he would think of, they could too.

When I came back, I thought I'd only have him to deal with. I should have known there would be more.

Jason1 [to Daniela]