There are two things about Dog that everybody knows. I am clean, and I'm fair.

Big Dog

I will be the Edmund Hillary of shitting wear you eat.


You know I talk during intercourse too.


Cheek to cheek contact for men, that's unacceptable.


Jeff: You're shittin' where you eat.
Larry: That's right. I'm shitting where I eat.

I know we have our problems with these people, but man oh man, do they know what they're doing, chicken wise.


Larry: You really are your mother's daughter, aren't you?
Sammy: Yeah. Now get the f*ck out my driveway you bald prick.

Eddie: By the way, your lunch is on me.
Larry: I already paid for it.
Eddie: Even better.

Larry: I think if you didn't want to sleep with her, you wouldn't be so tolerant of the LOL.
Eddie: Well that goes without saying.

Shara: I like you.
Larry: What's not to like.
Shara: Ehh, you're a Jew.

I thought about it all last night. If Rabin can break bread with Arafat, I can have chicken at this Anti-Semitic shit hole.


You know what you are? You're a social assassin.


Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Quotes

You should have recused yourself. We can't go up against each other. It's in the code. The bald code.


Larry: You know what Berg, I like the cut of your jib.
Berg: Thank you very much Captain.