Brass: What are we going to do now?
Gil: What we always do, Jim: Follow the evidence.

Brass: I'm sorry, Sara. I thought for sure we knew who we were looking for.
Sara: That's the worst part about this. We're nowhere.

The heart wants what it wants. You told me you'd always through you'd move back to Mumbai after you finished college. But then you fell in love, with Dunkin Donuts and Carrie Underwood, right?

Chris [to Allie]

Sara: Wow!
Maxine: I had the same expression when I got here two years ago. Of course, back then, it still had that new lab smell.

Brass: What a view, huh?
Sara: Don't start with me, old man.

Allie: Most people, when they win, they keep playing.
Maxine: If it was easy to walk away, this town wouldn't exist.

Deputy: The detectives are asking if there's any more guns in the house.
Brass: Guns? Sure. There's a bunch. But LVPD is good at their jobs. They'll find them.

Maxine: The homeowner is Jim Brass.
Allie: Is this going to be like the time I didn't know who Drew Carey was.

CSI: Vegas Season 1 Quotes

Deputy: The detectives are asking if there's any more guns in the house.
Brass: Guns? Sure. There's a bunch. But LVPD is good at their jobs. They'll find them.

Maxine: The homeowner is Jim Brass.
Allie: Is this going to be like the time I didn't know who Drew Carey was.