I'm sorry no one took care of you.

Clarice [to Marilyn]

Marilyn: Brilliant's hard sometimes.
Tripathi: I'll take your word for it.

Esquivel: What do you think snipers do besides notice things?
Clarke: Kill people?

There is a "they" and "they" always dump the girls.

Clarice [to Marilyn]

Mandy: Weirdest divorcing couple ever.
Krendler: Yeah.

Clarke: I don't need your face on a milk carton, Esquivel.
Esquivel: My mother already sees me every day in the morning.

Clarke: She's like the rest of us with no personal life.
Tripathi: My personal life is exhausting.

Clarke: Starling might be, I don't know, at the movies or something.
Ardelia: Yeah. She's working murder and conspiracy and decides now to go missing and kick back with some Raisinettes?

Clarice: What is that?
Marilyn: It's not enough to kill you. But if you fight me, I will.

Clarice: Why am I here?
Marilyn: You certainly weren't invited.

The hardest part of this job is learning that it is not about you.

Krendler [to Clarice]

Krendler: People find a way to heal old wounds.
Clarice: Even if it's the wrong way, sir?

Clarice Quotes

Therapist: You were a survivor.
Clarice: To be a survivor, you have to be a victim. I was just doing my job.

I thought it was done.
