Goddamn. Maybe the straightest shooter in the end.

Wellig [to Clarice]

Killin' is killin' but desecration, that's another thing.

Clarice [to Wellig]

Clarice: Everyone's looking at me sideways.
Ardelia: They were already looking at you sideways.
Clarice: I'm just going to open a convenience store that sells ramen noodles and orange soda. I'm aware I have the palate of an 8-year-old.

I don't solve cases, my dear. I carry them.

Ardelia [to Clarice]

Tripathi: You're both snipers.
Esquivel: Well, I'm Army. So I'm actually a good shot.

The monsters among us aren't aberrations. They're a reflection of who we are.



Ardelia [watching a stack of evidence boxes fall]
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Therapist: I want you to consider that, given everything that you've been through, maybe your perceptions aren't as solid as you think.
Clarice: I know what's real and what's not, sir.

Clarice: Is there doctor-patient privilege here or does all this go straight to my boss?
Therapist: Agent Krendler and I had a conversation ...
Clarice: That almost cost me my job.
Therapist: Clarice, you're here to keep your job, and I'm the one who can help you, if you let me.

Clarice Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Therapist: I want you to consider that, given everything that you've been through, maybe your perceptions aren't as solid as you think.
Clarice: I know what's real and what's not, sir.

Clarice: Is there doctor-patient privilege here or does all this go straight to my boss?
Therapist: Agent Krendler and I had a conversation ...
Clarice: That almost cost me my job.
Therapist: Clarice, you're here to keep your job, and I'm the one who can help you, if you let me.