Voight: The only problem is being decent and being a cop. Not always a good marriage.
Upton: Yeah. Sometimes you've gotta swallow your pain and guilt and move on.

Darius Walker: Why do I have a feeling you're not telling me everything about this?
Voight: Because I'm not.

Ruzek: It's not Jay's fault that the facial rec was inaccurate. I mean, the evidence pointed to Marcus killing those two kids.
Voight: Yeah, well, except he didn't, and Marcus would up dead. Jay had a hard time swallowing it, so, you know, he tried to make it right, help out the family. But this isn't about that or about what happened to Marcus in County. It's about finding Jay.

Burgess: I'm pregnant.
Ruzek: What?
Burgess: Yeah, the doctor ran some tests while I was getting stitched up this morning, and I am pregnant.
Ruzek: Is it...
Burgess: Yes.
Ruzek: From the night of the...
Burgess: Yeah, after that night.
Ruzek: Okay, are you sure that...
Burgess: I don't need this.
Ruzek: Okay, sorry.
Burgess: I'm sure.
Ruzek: Huh. Okay, what do you want to do?
Burgess: I don't know, Adam. What do you want to do?
Ruzek: I don't know, I'm kind of playing catch-up over here. Uhm, I mean do you want a kid? I know when we were together you said you wanted kids.
Burgess: I do want kids... someday.
Ruzek: Okay, well listen, whatever you decide, I'm going to be there, and I'll support you.

Ruzek: I don't want you to be alone in all of this. I think you should let me drive you to the appointment in the morning.
Burgess: Yeah, that's not necessary.
Ruzek: No, I know that you're a strong, independent woman and all that, but I care about you. And I want to be there for you.
Burgess: Having this baby would be so hard, Adam.
Ruzek: I'm not trying to influence you either way.
Burgess: Let me finish that. Maybe it's selfish of me with this job and being single, but I don't want to miss the opportunity to miss a mom. And I don't want to make a decision I might regret.
Ruzek: Okay, what does that mean?
Burgess: I don't know what it means other than I canceled the appointment.
Ruzek: Okay. Alright. It'll be okay.

Dude: Claire and I had genuine feelings for each other. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?
Upton: Because she was a 17-year-old girl you stupid prick.

Voight: Did you order the hit on Cameron Bowel?
Darius: I'm not an 18-year-old corner boy you popped with a dime bag.
Voight: I know.
Darius: We've both been on the street's a long time. Maybe different ends, but street's the same. We both know that every time you stand across from a CI you lie. You can't protect them. Nine times out of ten, the house wins, and the person in my seat is dead. I know that, you know that. Cameron damn well knew that.

This guy could have more power than we thought. "Because I let you." He sounds like Voight.


You don't want to play with me, Darius. Cause I don't play.


Crawford: And another body. And another street shut down.
Voight: We got Book for you. Turned out he was a small fish. We'll get the big one. We'll keep jumping the ladder. It may not be pretty, but it'll be worth it.

Platt: Anyway, I want you to help me spread some manure.
Halstead: Ah, crap.
Platt: Turkey crap to be exact.

Mayor Crawford: I'm going to shoot straight with you here, Hank. The optics on this... not so good. White cop playing cowboy jams up an innocent black man, throws him into County for a crime he did not commit, and, I mean someone's going to pay the tab on this. I mean, my money's on Halstead.
Voight: Really? That's funny cause my money's on you.

Chicago PD Season 7 Quotes

Halstead: What do you think?
Upton: I think we keep digging like we said. If he did it, he wouldn't have us out there risking our lives. Voight's a lot of things but selfish isn't one fo them.

Atwater: You're welcome, by the way.
Officer: Excuse me?
Atwater: You and your boy came pretty damn close to shooting a black man that didn't have anything to do with that murder. Way I see it, I saved your career.