Sylvie [about Cordova]: Is he a good guy? 'Cause I'm always in the market for one of those.
Gabby: Then go shop. See what you think.

Sylvie [about Cordova]: Uh, there any details about him you'd like to, uh, share with me or...
Gabby: You know I'm not a kiss-and-tell kind of girl.

Stella: Are you mad at me for some reason?
Kelly: I'm not mad at you. I'm a little mad. But not at you.

Matt: I love you. More than anything. Every time you leave me out, you put a little more distance between us.
Gabby: It won't happen again. I don't want any distance between us.

I don't know why I can't go a week without stepping in some 51 drama.


Stella: But what is it, exactly, that we got going on?
Kelly: [panicked stammer] It's none of my mom's business.

Stella: Well, your mom hates me.
Kelly: chance.
Stella: Well, she does.
Kelly: She's a saint. She doesn't hate anyone.
Stella: [pause] Whatever you say. Uh, but, uh, you're wrong.

I need more details. When you say a few dates, what do you mean? You mean, dinner and a movie or leave your toothbrush at his place kind of thing?


Cordova: Been a long time since I jumped in a pool fully clothed.
Stella: Oh, well, stick around. We do this kind of thing all the time.

Stella: You took my advice on Grissom.
Kelly: Of course I did. Your opinion is the one that matters most.

Casey: Thanks for letting me tap out. Those pep talks are harder than the look.
Boden: You did fine.
Casey: Did not.

  • Permalink: Did not.
  • Added:

The thing is, you know, firefighters, they--they don't like to admit when they need help. It's just not in Otis' DNA. But, you know, maybe...we gotta push through all that. And...just be there for him. You know, no matter what.


Chicago Fire Season 6 Quotes

Hermann: How ya feelin', dead Mouch?
Mouch: I'm not dead, Hermann.
Hermann: You flatlined! I've seen bodies in a morgue move more than you!

Cruz: MOUCHIE! He's back! [hugs Mouch and kisses his forehead] You look incredible! Doesn't he look incredible?
Otis: Incredible.
Cruz: It's good to have you back, Mouch.
Mouch: Thanks.
Otis: It's almost like you didn't go visit him every single day he was laid up.