Well, she looks like she's having a midlife crisis, but she's dressed like she's having a quarter-life crisis.


Laura: Where are you getting those lists?
Alex: Headhunter.
Laura: That sounds violent.
Alex: That's what work is, a sublimation of our violent desires to hunt and fuck.

Valerie: Okay fine, I wanted the table, Laura. And instead I got Samsungs and meatballs and drills, and I just wanted to come home, sit at a table, open up my journal that the girl from Clover said is ethical and eco-friendly, because it's made from the hide of sheep that died from old age, and I just wanted to map out how I was gonna make my life feel different. I just want... I just want things to feel different.
Laura: You really need a table for that?

Alex: Pretty soon you'll have beautiful, soft-spoken, half British children, and I'll give a speech at the wedding. It'll be witty and self-deprecating, and then you'll honeymoon in Bora Bora or the south of France with your new family, and that'll be that. I'm sorry. I've had a long fucking day.
Valerie: I would never honeymoon in Bora Bora.

Leia, get your masters in something else before it's too late, and the only thing you have to look forward to in life is a table.


Laura: I mean, what happened to all the jobs that were promised to my generation?
Alex: That's the generation before yours.The only thing you get is blame for national apathy.

Jennifer: You just killed your father. You found out that your sister's your half sister and that she has another half brother.
Alex: Yeah, I'm not sure how I feed about using the word "kill." It's more like I was death's assistant. His right-hand man.

Alex: It was unkind, what you did to Valerie. Telling her like that in front of all those people.
Dawn: Do you ever get tired of speaking for your sister?
Alex: I don't speak for her.
Dawn: But I feel like we've had this conversation before, many times now.
Alex: I don't know if you're lonely. I assume you must be. But telling her about some secret father isn't gonna bring her back to you.

You were less than perfect. I spent many a night asking myself what I did to deserve you. But you were there, ultimately. In whatever small capacity, you were there. And I'm grateful for that.


Alex: Hey, what's it like being a mom?
Valerie: It's like...watching yourself go through life a second time. Only this time you're just a voice, and you never know if anyone is ever listening to you.

We could leave him right here. On the seat. Make him watch bad musical theater for the rest of time.


Valerie: Our Facebook profiles are gonna outlive us.
Alex: Yeah, that's why it's so important to like the right stuff.

Casual Quotes

Alex: Hey. Question for you. Do you think our obsession with borders and national identity is holding us back from creating a global egalitarian society or are we, as animals in a world of scarce resources, simply destined for a life of tribal infighting?
Hans: That is a very complicated question.
Alex: Oh. Right? It's funny the things you think about when you've got free time.

Valerie: Did I tell you that he's renting out bedrooms like a brothel?
Laura: Well does he make money from just the rooms or does he take a piece of the action? Brothel-wise?