Gotham's most deranged diva reduced to making prank phone calls. What's next? Ding dong ditch?


Ryan: He told me Batwoman killed his daughter. Seriously, that doesn't shorten the list?
Luke: There is no list. Kate never killed anybody's daughter. Don't forget, he also blames the Crows. I assume, next week, it'll be Aquaman.

You pretty much broke the Internet with your latest False Face takedown. Only thing that would've gotten you more likes is if you'd done it holding a kitten.


Alice: How does one deal with grief exactly?
Young Kate: That's the problem. You've never done that before. And you're scared of what it'll make you do.

Black Mask: Oh please enlighten me. Who am I?
Batwoman: You're a sadistic drug lord.
Black Mask: Okay, I can see why you might think that. But it's Gotham that's sadistic, not me.

Luke: Angelique's phone sent a signal from the West Yard thirty minutes ago.
Batwoman: So she's somewhere inside a janky old sawmill.
Luke: Gotham bad guys wouldn't have it any other way.

Sounds like y'all could stand to be less sober right now.


In the last few months, I've discovered that one of my daughters is Batwoman while the other ran an illegal, underground medical clinic. So I'm not taking anything at face value anymore.


No one is ever Alice until they are because someone let them be.


Alice: You're not real. This tea's not real. And this cup is not real.
Young Kate: Correct. But you don't want reality. That's the point.

Gangs in this city are stupid, but not 'kill the commissioner' stupid.


It shouldn't take a business person to step in here, but I have made a career out of concealing blemishes. And, quite frankly, the makeover this city needs comes from an ugly I've never seen before.

Roman Sionis

Batwoman Quotes

Native American Trainer: Too slow.
Kate Kane: You covered the damn hole!
Native American Trainer: And you found way. Own way. Tomorrow, find faster.

Trust me, this isn't the story I expected to be telling. But you know as well as I do that stories, like the people who tell them, aren't always what they seem.

Kate Kane