Alice: Turns out we were both trapped in that awful place.
Sophie: I was in that house. Can't imagine what years in that place must've been like.
Alice: But you do know what it's like to feel trapped, don't you, Sophie?

Welcome to the world we live in. I'm going to save them anyway.


Mouse: How are they treating you?
Alice: Well, I'm chained to a table on my birthday...

Beth: If Kate's been kidnapped, shouldn't we call my dad? He'll know what to do. He's Special Forces.
Luke: He's in jail.
Beth: What?
Luke: For killing your stepmother. But he didn't do it. Alice did.
Beth: Ok. Um, dumb question. Do POLICE exist on this Earth?

That was the day I learned to make faces out of human skin.


My dear, sweet little birdie. I may be free of my cage, but you're still trapped in yours. And you always will be because it's one of your own making. And that is a hell more than bearable.


Batwoman Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Welcome to the world we live in. I'm going to save them anyway.


Alice: Turns out we were both trapped in that awful place.
Sophie: I was in that house. Can't imagine what years in that place must've been like.
Alice: But you do know what it's like to feel trapped, don't you, Sophie?