Charlotte: Look at you now, a lawyer.
Emily: Look at you, a fearless mom who’s raised two kids on her own. That doesn’t look like a screw-up to me.

Mark: It doesn’t take much vim and vigor to pull a trigger, Your Honor.
Luke: The victim wasn’t just shot. Her hair was ripped out. A body dumped in the trash like that takes energy, energy that Mr. Brewer did not have!

Her instincts were spot on. I would have invited you myself.


Lola: See that’s why we work well together. You’re the yin to my yang. The ping to my pong.
Sherri: If you say so, Your Honor.

Mark: I had my share of sleepless nights. It’s not every day you go up against your buddy in a murder trial.
Luke: Let’s make a pact. Let’s keep up our weekly jogs as usual.
Mark: No matter who wins?
Luke: No matter who loses.
Mark: Deal!

You are a public defender now. Every case is important. Remember that.


Charlotte: I haven’t seen them in weeks! I’m all they have.
Emily: Charlotte, I will do my best to get you out of custody so they can be with you before and during the trial.

Emily: I always hated that I couldn’t help my clients after trial. But now that I can.
Sara: It’ll take time. We’re both in uncharted territory right now, but we have each other.

Amy: It’s not just the wedding. I’m feeling pressured. I see you with Bailey, and I’m afraid you’re going to want to start a family right away. I’m not there yet. I want to marry you. I do. I want to do it right without rushing.
Mark: Okay. We can take it slow.

Lola: Sherri, it’s over now. I cut ties with David Sanders.
Sherri: I’m glad you did. Was that for you or for me?
Lola: I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression, but I never left you hanging.
Sherri: It felt like you did. It is easy to show support when things are over. My mind is made up.

Emily: I need an immigration safe deal.
DA Foster: I appreciate this new approach, Emily—the casual drinks and the chit-chat, but I’m still a prosecutor. I need a deal that works for both of us.

You guys will find your way back. They’ve got nothing on you.


All Rise Quotes

Sherri: Your honor?
Lola: This is a big moment for me. I just want to be present for it.

Mark: Your honor? Your Honor? Lola? I know you're up here. Why does it always have to be the top floor?
Lola: Because I don't want anyone to find me.
Mark: I told you to be sphinx-like.
Lola: I can't talk about my case.
Mark: It's okay. Lots of other people are.
Lola: Thanks a lot.
Mark: The sphinx has survived for 4500 years by silently staring down the enemy and then asking the right questions.
Lola: She wasn't dealing with LAPD and... I can't talk about it. It's just that... up on that bench, in this thing, everything is different. And that detective, I need to make a difference, but I can't tell if this is the battle, or this is the war.
Mark: What can I do?
Lola: Visit me at traffic court in Palmdale.
Mark: Never gonna happen.