Stuck in the 1980s. Used to have nostalgia for them. That is very gone.


Daisy: Growing up, I never knew my mom. And when I finally found her, she wasn't who I hoped she would be.
Jiaying: She hurt you. I can't speak to your mother's reasons, but for me, sometimes trying to do the right thing comes out all wrong.

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: How long have you been here?
Sousa: Well, I guess, uh, when did you go to sleep? Since then.

Daisy: What's happening?
May: Time drive overloaded.
Sousa: Any chance that's twenty-first century slang for worked normally?

Daisy: I think I'm time looping. I, I've done this already. I've done this, already.
Simmons: Oh, well that's fun.
Sousa: It's actually creepy.

Coulson: That did not go well.
Sousa: Where did he get all those weapons?
May: Deke's dead?
Daisy: Very.
Mack: Don't we need to be sad about that?
Daisy: We do not.

Daisy: Every time I ask you for help, you say yes. Even if I don't ask, you're waiting here to make sure I rest, or whatever. Why? Be honest.
Sousa: Honest? I know your type.
Daisy: My what now?
Sousa: I know people like you. Some of my favorite people are people like you. Focused on the greater good, even at your own expense. You want people to think you like being alone, even though you always end up back with friends. You hate losing.
Daisy: Everyone hates losing.
Sousa: Yeah, but you all keep running at the problem full tilt until you either solve it or slam headlong into a brick door.
Daisy: Some of those walls were literal.
Sousa: I know.
Daisy: But how does that-
Sousa: Because when people like you run into those walls, you should have someone there to pick you back up.
Daisy: And you, you like to be that someone?
Sousa: Not for everyone. It helps if they're fun to be around and if they say what they mean and if they have that superpower where they can rock things around, which is very impressive.
Daisy: That's, um, that is awfully specific.
Sousa: Mmhm.

  • Permalink: Mmhm.
  • Added:

Daisy: Enoch, the team will carry on the mission. We will survive because of you. Thank you.
Enoch: You are most welcome. But Agent Johnson, while your friends will indeed survive, the team will not.
Daisy: Wha-what do you mean?
Enoch: I have seen the future. Carry on this mission, cherish it for it will be your last mission together.
Daisy: That's, that's not possible. I, Enoch this is my family.
Enoch: Of course, yet this is the nature of family. I have seen it countless times, on countless worlds. People arrive, so we celebrate, and people leave us, so we grieve. We do what we can with the time in between, but the cycle is always there. No one escapes it. Not even me.
Coulson: Which means you're not alone. You're a part of that cycle.
Daisy: Like every other living thing.
Enoch: Fitz, he was my best friend.
Daisy: And you were a good friend to Fitz. You were a good friend to all of us.
Enoch: As I have always...

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.

Coulson: The time drive is stuck. It keeps looping back on itself over and over again.
Daisy: Like feedback.
Coulson: I've been thinking about it like a record skipping. Every time I say that you give me the same look. Vinyl's back. You're supposed to know records again.

Coulson: I don't like watching you die. I don't like watching any of you die, over and over.
Daisy: We'll figure this out. You know we will.
Coulson: Sure, but in the meantime, it is soul-crushing, if I even have a soul.
Daisy: Don't talk like that again. Of course, you have a soul.
Coulson: Don't say that. Don't say "of course." I'm not who I was. And this thing, I was Max Headroom for a year. And you know what? Being trapped in a time loop, watching my friends die, helpless to stop it, it's not some time-space anomaly. It's a damn metaphor. This is my life now.
Daisy: Does it not occur to you that I might know something about watching my friend die over and over again?
Coulson: This is different.
Daisy: Is it?
Coulson: I will watch all of you die, one by one. Everyone I love. Because someone decided I should. I'm a machine now. I have programming.

Simmons: The jumps and the time we spend in any given time period are getting exponentially shorter. If they keep getting smaller...
Mack: We sink.
Simmons: Metaphorically, yes. For us, that means a jump within a jump, which leads to, honestly, I have no idea.
Sousa: Finally. The scientist from the future and I are on the same page.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 7 Quotes

Two years in ten seconds. It's like the worst episode of "This Is Your Life" ever.


Deke: Navigating the past happens to be my specialty.
Yo-Yo: Last time you got stupid drunk and ended up in jail.
Deke: That's not true. I was pleasantly drunk and it was hilarious.
Daisy: He'll be fine. It's prohibition, so alcohol is illegal anyway.
Deke: It's what? Who would think that's a good idea? Even the Kree let us make our own boot juice.