Leanna: Death tourist.
Danny: Death tourist?
Leanna: Yeah, someone whose life is so easy that they, like, glom on to other people's tragedies for a hit of actual emotion.

Danny, no one wants to see you get hurt. They don’t. If you don’t change your mind, I have to go up there and tell everyone you’re crazy. I don’t want to do that to you.I don’t. I can’t.


Allison: The police are on the way.
Dad: Did you tell them he’s a kid???

Leanna: Why would this lady want to hurt you?
Danny: She’s crazy. She’s messed up! She’s evil!

Danny: Do you think I made this up?
Dad: I know it felt real.

In my line of work, I spend a lot of time with families. I’ve just never really been a part of one.


Her job is to help people die. And now she's boning the grieving husband.


I'll try. I'll learn. We'll learn. We'll sign.


Surgery and devices might be helpful, but they're not going to make Lucie like you. She isn't like you.


Your baby's better off without you.


KJ: Remember the big court visit? Where you said, "I understand I have no rights"?
Ava: That was before she was deaf!

Max really wants her to hear. Music is everything to him.
