Mrs. Khalil: I brought you to this country. I sacrificed my life so that you could throw yours away?
Samir: I'm not throwing it away.
Mrs. Khalil: What are you doing?
Samir: I'm living it!

Morgan: I also want him to see his mother in a happy and functional relationship.
Kashir: Oh, that's nice. I'm a bandaid?
Morgan: As a homewrecker, I think it's the very least you can do.

Look at us -- a couple of co-parents. Bet you thought I didn't have it in me, huh?


You're a good man, Eric. But your heart's too big, especially when it comes to your brother.


Kashir: This ride you?
Morgan: In the sense that it belongs to me, yes. In the sense that it speaks to my identity, no. No. I didn't pick it out. I like the color though.

Morgan: Jason, it's my career.
Jason: Based on what they pay you, it's more like a hobby.

My marriage had been over for a long time. And I had been holding on for some misguided reasons, and you really helped me finally let go. So, thank you.


The more money he made, the more he wanted. And he became unrecognizable.


As much as you hate her, she is still the mother of your son!


Morgan: I can't believe I missed my train.
Kashir: Who hasn't missed a train?
Morgan: Me. I've never missed a train. I've never done anything like this.

Ari: Who are you?
Jason: What do you mean? Who are you? It's your Uncle Eric -- you know that. Give him a hug.
Eric: It's cool. How about a fist bump instead? Practically a stranger. Who wants to hug a stranger, right?
Ari: Right, it's weird.

Morgan: Why are you doing this?
Jason: Because I can.
Morgan: What does that even mean?
Jason: It means I always get what I want. Always have. You should know that better than anyone.