Eric: Say cheese.
Claire: Oh my god, stop.
Eric: Come on. I never get to see you like this.
Claire: Like what?
Eric: Like yourself.

Anyway, I tried for a really long time to be perfect, you know. It was like my rebellion to be the opposite of my dad. It didn’t work. I was just like this walking reminder of what he lost.


Claire: Come on, why are you giving me the silent treatment? It’s our last night together.
Eric: Exactly, it’s our last night together. Then tomorrow you’re gonna go back to him, and this will have never happened. Yeah. I mean, this isn’t real.
Claire: Of course it is.
Eric: Is that why you’re talking about who I’m gonna fuck when I get to college? Like what is this to you? Is this just some bored housewife shit?
Claire: You know that’s not true. You’re not gonna want me when you go to college. You’re gonna be done with me. Fuck, I’m risking my entire life to be with you. I wish I could just stay here with you, but I can’t, and I fucking feel like a terrible person.
Eric: Hey, hey…
Claire: No.
Eric: Hey, hey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please stop. Please stop. Stop. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I love you. I love you. So much.
Claire: I love you.
Eric: Say it again.
Claire: I love you.

Kathryn: Is that best you can do? Come on, that may fool Matt, but it doesn’t fool me.
Claire: What?
Kathryn: You’ve been glowing recently, Claire, and you sure as shit aren’t pregnant since you’ve been chugging this tequila, so I’m 99% sure you’re having an affair.
Claire: Oh my god, stop.
Kathryn: Come on. There’s a reason people have been having affairs since the dawn of time. How else would you remember you’re still alive? Were you with the guy this weekend? I knew it. Yeah, you were. Ooooh.
Claire: Ahahaha. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never given myself permission to feel this way.

Kathryn: Please, please, please, I promise I won’t tell anybody. Please, please, please, I promise. Come on. Tell me. Tell me. Oh. Come on.
Claire: It’s Eric.
Kathryn: Who’s Eric?
Claire: Eric Walker, like Eric Eric.
Kathryn: Come on. Yes, Eric is cute, but like you’re kidding. We get it. That’s like lolz. You’re kidding, right? Claire, oh my god. Claire, um, he’s you’re student.
Claire: No, I know, but he’s 18, and we’re like, we’re in love with each other.
Kathryn: He’s your student.
Claire: Wait, Kathryn, listen, let me explain, OK?
Kathryn: That’s like a monumental abuse of power.
Claire: You, you don’t understand. Talk to me about this. Please, I… he’s an adult. He’s 18. This is not abuse. We’re in like a real relationship. We love each other.
Kathryn: Oh my god, stop it. I don’t want to hear it.
Claire: He’s over the age of consent.
Kathryn: He’s a kid.
Claire: Wait, wait, wait, you basically forced me to say it.
Kathryn: Claire, what do you want me to do? I don’t have a choice. I have to report you.
Claire: Please, please, no, that will literally ruin my life.
Kathryn: Wow, wow.

Kathryn: So who’s the guy?
Claire: Nope, I can’t tell you.
Kathryn: Fine, at least tell me how’s the D.
Claire: Oh my god. The D is great.
Kathryn: Ah.
Claire: Like I love it. I literally love it.

A Teacher Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Anyway, I tried for a really long time to be perfect, you know. It was like my rebellion to be the opposite of my dad. It didn’t work. I was just like this walking reminder of what he lost.


Eric: Say cheese.
Claire: Oh my god, stop.
Eric: Come on. I never get to see you like this.
Claire: Like what?
Eric: Like yourself.