Alice: You were better off without me.
Gary: You saw what you wanted to see.

Alice: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Can we try again? Come back tonight, and I'll take you to dinner after the show. I know you have a lot of questions, and I want to be able to answer them.
Gary: Yeah, I don't think so.
Alice: Please?

Regina: You may not see color, but I don't have that privilege. I know you did the best you could.
Sharon: Well, apparently, it wasn't enough, was it? Anything else? I think we're done here.

Gary: The one person who was supposed to love me no matter what didn't.
Delilah: No wonder it was so hard for you to believe anyone else could.
Gary: Until Maggie. I finally opened myself up again, just to get burned.

Rome: Do you know why I didn't take your no to turn a suicide attempt in the script to a sports injury?
Todd: Come on, Rome. I'm trying to have a meeting here.
Rome: I didn't take your no because those guys didn't come together over a sports injury. We came together because my best friend jumped from a building just as I was about to overdose on pills. That's righ, I tried to kill myself. So yeah, Todd, suicide is real to me. Depression is real to me. I've been trying to tell a story about how my friend dying saved my life, but then he tried to take that from me. But then I realized he can't take my story. Because the real story is mine.

Chloe was the one who got your brother's heart. The best day of my life was the worst day of yours. Because of Chad, Chloe got six more years, but she should have had more. She should have had a lifetime if it wasn't for me.


I love you. Before I met you, I couldn't see anything but my grief. You changed that. And I know that I lied, but I just needed you to know that my feelings for you -- our connection I felt -- that was real.


Isaac: Guys like Todd have been stealing our stories for years.
Rome: Well, let's not let him steal another one.

I realize I've done that my whole life. Skating past the bad to get to the good. Pretending the world is better than it is. Honey, I turned a cheek to so many things because I thought it would be easier for you, but now I get how wrong that was. I let you down, Gina. I know that. That's why I was so happy today because deep down I thought the reason you didn't want children is because of me. Because I didn't set a good enough example. But starting now, I just hope I can be half the mother I know you're going to be.


Delilah: I'm so sorry. I should've have pushed you to come here.
Gary: No, don't be sorry. I've spent so much time blaming myself for her leaving. I always thought if I had been better. If I had been shiner. If I had just been more, I don't know, then maybe she would have stuck around.
Delilah: Gary, what your mom did. It wasn't about you.
Gary: Yeah, I know. It was always about her. I see that now.
Rome: I'm sorry, man.
Gary: Don't be. You both are my family, and I'm sorry for not treating you like it lately.

You know I always say you're like a sister to me, but today you were more of a mother than Alice ever was.


A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Gary: Just because you're out of kids to mother, does not mean you get to scratch that itch with me.
Eddie: Hey, you do not get to say that to her.

Maggie: Looks like we've all got mommy issues in common. Some of us worse than others.
Delilah: Well, on behalf of all mothers everywhere, I apologize, ladies.