These are the end times Tall Man, but not for humanity. I'm coming for you.


I sent Cassie back to Spearhead 2020 with the explicit instruction to end my life, and so destroy the creation of time travel.


Cassie: I'm surprised she doesn't hate us. She lost 24 years with Hannah because of what we did.
Cole: Well, Hannah was dead before. Now she has a chance to know her. It's not perfect, but it's something.

The only world I ever gave a damn about, was the one with you in it. All this bullshit. Everything I've done is so you have a place to go back to. That's it.


Maybe time won't let you kill Jones. Maybe time likes time travel.


Jennifer: Heard you were a busy girl. Voices say you blew poor ol' Jonesy away and then they say you didn't.
Cassie: You know I was here before?
Jennifer: Feels like a déjà vu, right? A repeat? Welcome to my world.

Cole: For you to create time travel, you had to lose Hannah or at least believe that you did.
Cassie: Jones, we changed the timeline.

Cole: Look, I shot her to save you. It just jumped us back here. We need to figure out why this is happening.
Cassie: Then figure it out. My mission is the same.

I sent Cassie back to the day I should have died. The day I lost my Hannah. This will predate our mission together. Everything will be erased.


Deacon: Die as a pacifist or live as a man.
Dr. Eckland: Violence doesn't make a man.
Deacon: No, but it's a good way to unmake one.

Cassie: It was The Witness. I'm sure of it.
Jones: How do you know for sure?
Cassie: I could feel it.
Deacon: Hold on. The Witness?
Dr. Eckland: He appeared in the form of Aaron Marker, your ex. Are you sure you didn't just imagine...
Cassie: It wasn't a hallucination. He chose to appear as Aaron. And no, I'm not crazy. It happened.

Cassie: The Witness is here. I thought it was in my head, but...
Cole: What did you see?
Cassie: In the corridor I saw a man in a kind of plague doctor mask. It was him, I know it.

12 Monkeys Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
