George Sr.: (listening in attic) She wants her man back.
Geroge Sr. as Franklin: Yo man, you're gonna get your sorry white ass thrown in jail.
George Sr.: I said that's enough!

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George Sr.
Arrested Development Season 2 Episode 16: "Meat the Veals"
Arrested Development
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George Sr. Quotes, Arrested Development Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes, Arrested Development Quotes
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Arrested Development Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Oh, mercy me! I forgot that we were in the colonies.

Mrs. Featherbottom

George Michael: Gangy's having an anniversary party?
Michael: Seems that way.
George Michael: Hey, is Franklin gonna be there?
Gob: See that, Mike? Kids love Franklin.
George Michael: I just don't want him to point out my cracker ass in front of Ann.