Ben: Thing is if you fire me, I'll tell everyone about the heroin you're hiding in the bathroom. Yeah. Certainly explains the IRS. The lack of customers and why you guys are so weird all the time. How about this, I keep my job, and I won't call the police on you. In fact, I want a raise. How's an extra 500 a week sound?
Felix: OK.
Ben: And um, it's probably a given, but I wouldn't tell my sister about this.
Felix: OK
Ben: See you tomorrow, boss.

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In The Dark Season 2 Episode 7: "The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back"
In The Dark
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In The Dark Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Darnell: So you changed your mind about turning on Nia?
Murphy: Yeah, when you try and kill my best friend, not really gonna work with you anymore.

My brother has come a long way, and I think his sobriety may really stick this time.
