See Maggie, those silver-and-blue guys are the Dallas Cowboys. They're Daddy's favorite team. And he wants them to lose by less than five and a half points. Understand?


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Homer Simpson
The Simpsons Season 2 Episode 7: "Bart vs. Thanksgiving"
The Simpsons
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Homer Simpson Quotes, The Simpsons Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes, The Simpsons Quotes
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The Simpsons Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Homer: Alright Bart, that's it! Go to your room! Now!
Bart: Okay, I'll take some white meat and some stuffing to go and send in the pumpkin pie in about twenty minutes.
Homer: I said now!
Bart: Mom do I have too?
Marge: Yes you do! I hope your happy Bart! You ruined Thanksgiving!

Hello, operator! Give me the number for 911!
