Benson: Do you believe her? Yes or no?
Barba: You and I both know that witnesses and victims change their stories all the time. Her story is plausible.
Benson: Plausible. So that's the standard we're going for now?
Barba: At this moment in time, yes. I don't have a judicial crystal ball, Liv.
Benson: No one wants to get these bastards more than I do but -
Barba: Our legal system is the best that there is, but it's not perfect, nor pure. It never was.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Episode 21: "Sanctuary"
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Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Episode 21 Quotes

How many more innocent Muslims have to die before the NYPD does its job?


Seigler: What are you doing talking to my client?
Benson: He is a victim in a crime. He was talking to me about what he was doing in that bar, nothing more.
Seigler: He's done talking. No more questions.
Benson: That's your choice.
Fin: And it's a stupid one.
Seigler: I have a client to defend.
Fin: We have a witness who ID'd him out of a lineup -
Seigler: Who is now in a refugee camp in Turkey.
Benson: That doesn't make his ID invalid.
Seigler: I'm going to talk to my client. Or are you going to arrest him for having been held hostage?