Carina: So you never came out to your parents?
Maya: My mom knows. Pretty sure my dad does too, but I never officially told him.
Carina: Were you afraid to tell your dad?
Maya: Yes, but less because I was scared he’d yell at me. That was gonna happen no matter what I did. I guess it just felt private. I mean I’d never been in a relationship with a woman, so I figured if I didn’t tell my family about every single guy I slept with, why should I tell them about the women?
Carina: Fair enough.
Maya: Honestly, until I met you, I think a part of me always assumed I’d end up marrying a man.
Carina: Really?
Maya: But now…
Carina: I mean I guess I can see that. Your dad kind of drilled a sense of ‘my way is the only way’ into you. That’s probably why I never want to get married. My parents made it look so unappealing.
Maya: You don’t want to get married?
Carina: Oh no, I don’t believe in it.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 14: "Comfortably Numb"
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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Inara: It’s kinda weird, right?
Jack: Wait, what?
Inara: The quiet. No one’s sick. No one’s in crisis. We’re just fine.
Jack: Yeah, that’s a first for us.
Inara: It’s nice.
Jack: Yeah, should we watch a movie or something?
Inara: We haven’t had childcare since we became a couple, so no, no, I would very much not like to watch a movie.

Maya: I should be running home, wanting to soak up every last minute with her…
Andy: But, it sucks. As someone who recently weathered a separation from the one she loves, I wish I could say it won’t suck, but it will.
Maya: Oh, so inspiring. Thank you. I keep thinking maybe I should just propose, and then she won’t have to leave.
Andy: Well, um, as someone who also recently got married super-fast, it’s not the solution to your problems. You two are meant to be. You’ll get through this. Now go home and soak up every minute.