Lana: Oh My... You're getting off on this!
Archer: And?

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Sterling Archer, Lana Kane
Archer Season 2 Episode 7: "Movie Star"
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Sterling Archer Quotes, Lana Kane Quotes, Archer Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes, Archer Quotes
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Archer Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Archer: I am qualified because I happen to be the world's greatest secret agent.
Rona: But you're a man.
Archer: And then some.

Lana: This isn't the Sheriff's department where you get wear a windbreak and go on a ride-along. This is highly classified cover ops.
Rona: Yes! Covert ops! This is exactly the kind of spy lingo I want to soak up.
Pam: What part of highly classified do you not understand?
Rona: All of it!