Nicky: I miss you. It's been so hard finding the quiet within because I've been too scared.
Pei-Ling: Scared of what my child?
Nicky: Of feeling it. My grief for you.
Pei-Ling: Are you scared now?
Nicky: Not of that. Not anymore.

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Kung Fu Season 1 Episode 2: "Silence"
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Kung Fu Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Althea: I should've known there was more to the story.
Nicky: I'm sorry. Today was supposed to be about you! Picking out dresses.
Althea: Ugh. If anything had happened to you! Why didn't you tell us?
Nicky: I couldn't! How do you think mom would've taken it?
Althea: Really bad!

Mei-Li: He waited for you.
Nicky: I know mama, I just forgot, that's all.
Mei-Li: I didn't just mean tonight.