Imogen: I saw her. This bloody, horrorfying face. A face I never want to see again.
Johnny: Jesus.
Imogen: I know it's crazy, but Johnny, I want to go back out there, Make sure she's not there.
Johnny: You want me to come with you?
Imogen: No. No, I need to do this on my own.

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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 3: "Sweet Sixteen"
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes, Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Quotes
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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Maybe try being a little less of a hardass and more of a regular person—you know, one of the guys.


Imogen, due respect, get over yourself. It's summer. I'm single. I'm hot. I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now and just because you're some kind of prude, don't ice my game.
