Maggie [before The Boy is parading through London]: I'll not go.
Lord Pole: You must.
Maggie: No, I must not. I have never joined you for the hunt or any other blood sport, and I will not start with this.

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The White Princess Season 1 Episode 7: "Two Kings"
The White Princess
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The White Princess Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes, The White Princess Quotes
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The White Princess Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

By killing him, The Boy becomes a myth and martyr. His power, ten times greater in the ballads they sing. He must appear the maggot that he is so that Europe will be embarrassed to have had him at their table.


Lady Margaret [about The Boy]: He is a counterfeit!
Lizzie: Of course he is a counterfeit! You think we do not know that?
Henry: He says himself that I must kill him as a threat, so I will not. I will not be commanded by him. I will parade him. [to Lizzie] Do you agree?