Blair: My mother didn't get me W. She's a designer. She can't call in favors from a fashion magazine.
Dan: Well you don't get jobs like this with out a connection.
Blair: Well I did. I practically stalked Stefano. I spent the night in his lobby waiting to meet him. After the police escorted me out of the building for the third time, I faxed a letter to every machine in the building.
Dan: That's like 200 fax machines.
Blair: 332.

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Blair Waldorf, Dan Humphrey
Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 13: "Damien Darko"
Gossip Girl
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Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Lily: I get Ben out on parole but Serena and Eric continue to treat me like I'm toxic.
Rufus: I know you did what you could, but Ben's still going to have a criminal record. Give them time.

Good luck at your new job at the mayor's office or the Whitney or CIA or whatever. This is like living with Don Draper.


Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 13 Music

  Song Artist
Song Lions in Cages Wolf Gang
Beat of My Own Song Meme iTunes
Fire In Your New Shoes Kaskade iTunes