Moira, you wouldn't stand for this shit. You wouldn't let them keep you in this room for two weeks. You'd find some way to escape. Get up. Get your crazy ass up.

Offred [in her head]

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The Handmaid's Tale Season 1 Episode 4: "Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum"
The Handmaid's Tale
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Aunt Lydia: Moira?
Moira: Are you saying we will be having intercourse with the men between the wive's legs?

Serena Joy: What did she do this time?
Rita: She was on the ground, mam. She said she fainted.
Fred: She fainted?
Serena Joy: No, that's what she said.
Rita: She was on the ground. Should I make an appointment at the doctor?
Serena Joy: No. She'll be fine.
Rita: We do have the ceremony tonight.
Serena Joy: Make an appointment.