Charlotte: I'm lucky to have you, Coop. I don't want it to ever seem like I take you for granted.
Cooper: I can't take anything for granted.

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Cooper Freedman, Charlotte King
Private Practice Season 4 Episode 21: "God Bless the Child"
Private Practice
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Private Practice Season 4 Episode 21 Quotes

When it comes to abortion, everybody has an opinion. Everybody is going to want to tell you what to do. If this were 1972, it would have been a back alley and not my elevator that you collapsed in. Because back then, you didn't have a choice and now you do. But, it's still hard. And even after you make the most difficult, personal decision that there is, it's still unsafe. Because you have some fanatic who claims to value life who can walk into an abortion clinic and can blow it up. Pattie, you are the only who knows if you can have a child. Everyone else's opinion is just background noise. So, if you want to keep this baby, I'll support you. If you want to give up for an adoption, I'll help. If you want to have an abortion, I'll do it. I'm not here to judge you. I just need you to know any decision you make is for you. Not for me, not for Dr. Bennet... for you.


Charlotte: My mom always says God doesn't give with both hands. You're young, beautiful, brilliant. There has to be something you can't have.
Amelia: Some days I'd give that all up.
Charlotte: That's just the craving talking. The longer you go without a drink...
Amelia: I drank at your wedding. I thought it was ginger ale. I spit it out.
Charlotte: OK, since then?
Amelia: Nothing, but I can't stop thinking about it.
Charlotte: It was an accident. Don't let a slip turn into a fall. Get your butt to a meeting.