J.D.: I'm having a rough morning Brown Bear. How are you doing with your sterility?
Turk: Ahh... I can't really talk about that right now. I'm in an elevator.
J.D.: Not reading you Brown Bear. I repeat, are you still sterile?!
Laverne: This is so juicy that I feel dizzy.

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J.D., Turk, Laverne Roberts
Scrubs Season 5 Episode 14: "My Own Personal Hell"
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Scrubs Season 5 Episode 14 Quotes

Lonnie: Yar. (The Janitor popsicles him) God! Why?
Janitor: You combined "you" and "are". "Yar". It made no sense.

Turk: Hey White Shadow.
J.D.: That's not my handle.
Turk: Hey Gizmo.