I'll come along. You can be the logical to my illogical. It will get us a crack in the case.


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Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 19: "Flower Child"
Once Upon a Time
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Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 19 Quotes, Once Upon a Time Quotes
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Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 19 Quotes

Rogers: Hey, what's wrong?
Tilly: This. This woman is what's wrong. She told me she's my mother.

Tilly: How do you know my name?
Gothel: I know more than your name.
Tilly: Well good for you. I know who you are, too. You're part of that cult and I want you out of my sight.
Gothel: I just want to talk.
Tilly: Why the hell would I want to talk to you?
Gothel: Because I'm your mother.