Naz: You've been rotating between hospitals receiving cortisone. Cortisone is a synthetic steroid. It mimics cortisone, supressing pain. If you don't feel the pain, you won't know if you're pushing yourself too hard or it there's a problem. Dr. Kaplan made himself clear.
Opera Singer: If the scope scratches my vocal chords, I will destroy you. My voice is my life.

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Nurses Season 1 Episode 3: "Friday Night Legend"
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Nurses Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes, Nurses Quotes
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Nurses Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

For the record, I'm not a dog.

Naz (After her patient rings a bell for her)

People like to compare nurses to saints; do-gooders selflessly caring for others. Problem with this is, it's just not human. And, I mean, how can you not make a total mess of your personal life when the job takes everything you've got?
