We’re sorry that we’ve been away so long. And now we know that what we did was wrong. If it’ll ease your apprehension, we promise not to mention censorship in China in this song. Starting now.

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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 6: "The Gang Offends Everyone"
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes, The Good Fight Quotes
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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Diane: What are you doing?
Julius: Calling it.
Diane: Julius, are you serious?
Julius: In Proverbs it is written, “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” It’s what I always believed. Now I just have to enact it.

Marissa: So wait did you buy this?
Lucca: Yeah, I wanted one.
Marissa: Everyone wants one, like a yacht or a pony. Oh, it’s the swivel latch. I love the swivel latch.
Lucca: How do you know so much about Birkins?
Marissa: I was raised around rich people.