Barba: Okay, so Eli Colton's coke dealer witnessed the rape.
Benson: So he's not perfect.
Barba: I'd say. Even if he's telling the truth, it's worse than useless.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Episode 14: "Net Worth"
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Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Episode 14 Quotes

Zoe: I need to speak to a detective.
Olivia: I'm Lieutenant Benson. What can I do for you?
Zoe: I was raped.
Olivia: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know who did it?
Zoe: [looks at newspaper]: Yeah. Him.
Olivia: Eli Colton?
Zoe: The King of Wall Street.

Carisi: Any word?
Fin: Stop asking!
Carisi: It's just, Sergeant Tutoloa has a nice ring to it.