Edie: I want my money.
Martha: And I want those non-fat peach yogurts. They didn't just walk out of that fridge by themselves.
Edie: Well you can deduct it from the $40 that you're going to give me, now!
Martha: You're my best friend. Why would I steal from you?
Edie: It's no secret that you've been having financial problems. I hear you bitching on the phone to your bank.
Martha: That's it! I can put up with your debauchery and your food theft, but I will not tolerate spying. I want you out.
Edie: You don't mean that.
Martha: Oh, yes I do. I'm leaving tomorrow to visit my sister for a few days. I want you gone by the time I get back.
Edie: I'll do one better. I will leave today

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Edie Britt
Desperate Housewives Season 1 Episode 8: "Guilty"
Desperate Housewives
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Desperate Housewives Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Father Crowley: Gabrielle, the Church is pretty clear about this. If you commit a mortal sin and you die without repenting, you go to hell.
Gabrielle: Aren't you just a ball of fun? So, if I confess, it will clean the slate, right?
Father Crowley: Not only that, if you want God's forgiveness, you have to be truly sorry and you have to promise not to commit the sin again.
Gabrielle: So what happens if I repent later? Like, say, when I'm 75?
Father Crowley: I wouldn't recommend waiting. What if you die before then?
Gabrielle: Well, let's say I don't die? I do yoga, I eat well. If I wait, does my repenting still count?
Father Crowley: If you mean it, yes.
Gabrielle: Thank you, Father Crowley. You have been a tremendous comfort. Um, I will let you do your thing.
Father Crowley: Gabrielle. You know we are all responsible for the choices we make. Don't you wanna be a good person?
Gabrielle: What I want is to be happy.
Father Crowley: That's the answer of a selfish child.
Gabrielle: I know

Gabrielle: Before we got married we made a deal. No kids.
Carlos: Deals are meant to be re-negotiated.
Gabrielle: Well, we're not negotiating my uterus