I told Murtagh to be hard to find. I didn't count on his friends leaving a trail of tar and feathers to his doorstep.


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Outlander Season 5 Episode 2: "Between Two Fires"
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Outlander Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes, Outlander Quotes
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Outlander Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Knox: I admire a man who puts duty and honor above all else.
Jamie: Then you admire a man who'd rather starve than dishonor his own conscience.
Lieutenant: Do I detect some sympathy there for the regulators, Colonel Fraser?
Jamie: I have sympathy for any man who can't afford to eat, Lieutenant. Your generosity of coins tells me you have some, as well.
Knox: I do believe it is right to give to those in need. And I suppose it is reasonably true that there is never a convenient time for death or taxes.
Jamie: Now do I suspect some sympathy for the regulators, Lieutenant.

I can only hope one day to be granted a parcel of land that's half as prosperous as yours. Perhaps when we catch Fitzgibbons and see him hanged. Perhaps then, the governor will be so kind.
