Noah: You the one who ain't supposed to be here. I ain't leave you out there to die. I threw you something to defend yourself because I felt sorry for you.
Cato: You felt sorry for me?
Noah: I ain't through yet! You can sit there, in your pristine clothes, speaking with the proper white man's tongue. You can fool everyone outside there in the civilized world; you can fool everyone in here; but you can't fool me. You still the snake of a slave-driver you was when you left Macon. I see you. You ain't good enough for this here life. I ain't talking about money, or even the freedom. You ain't good enough to earn drawing breath, and the thing is, you know it. Everyone around you knows it. Everyone who has ever known you.

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Underground Season 2 Episode 4: "Nok Aaut"
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Underground Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Cato: What do you see when you look at the sculpture?
Devi: Timelessness.

It ain't about the risk. Reading is a curse. All the words...they give words to all the feelings nobody told me about--not even my dad-- and I'm crushing under the weight of the knowledge. It opens up the world to you, and shows you how small the one they got us chained to is.
