Casey: What's going on with you today?
Lauren: I miss it.
Casey: Miss what?
Lauren: I miss the pandemic. I mean the worst of it. You know I feel like a sociopath even saying this, but when we were hit the hardest when the ED was above capacity, I felt like I spent my whole life training for a moment that finally came. I helped people. I saved them. And even when I couldn't save them, I was doing exactly what I was meant to do. My patients' hands as they died, I sang songs to them, and now, what? I'm supposed to pass them off as if they don't matter to me? They matter.
Casey: I never told anyone this, but when my deployment ended, I missed it, you know? I missed knowing what I had to do and doing it. I missed the fight. You were at war, Lauren. It's OK to miss the fight. Oh, and uh, by the way? You haven't stopped saving people. The doctors, nurses, me. You saved us, too. You're still saving us.

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New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 1: "The New Normal"
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New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

I want everyone to know that I am committed to fixing the cracks around here, OK? The system abandoned us when we need it most, and I vow to fix the system that left us overburdened and unprotected. The system that left our most vulnerable patients behind, and hopefully, New Amsterdam can finally get back to --


You're incredibly upbeat for someone who's living on seeds.

Lauren [to Iggy]