Jimmy: I'm looking for someone with a light touch. I'm not talking about some teenager taking a five finger discount of string cheese at the local Stop and Shop. I need: highly skilled, high end, discreet. A real pro.
Caldera: You gotta fit him in a tight space?
Jimmy: I don't think so.
Caldera: I got just the guy, then.

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Better Call Saul Season 3 Episode 5: "Chicanery"
Better Call Saul
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Better Call Saul Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Jimmy: You gotta do something. You can't let her leave like this. Just tell her what's going on.
Chuck: No. No.
Jimmy: She'll understand. Would you rather she think you're a raging prick than know the truth?
Chuck: No.
Jimmy: Look, if you won't tell her then I will.
Chuck: No no no! You will not tell her. You WILL not tell her!

Jimmy: Chuck, you sure this is the right play? I mean, in my experience, the bigger the lie, the harder it can be to dig out.
Chuck: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.