Kareem: As of 36 hours ago, Merle Callahan returned to us.
Mike: You didn't want to pick up the fucking phone, Kareem.
Kareem: I don't report to you, Mike.
Mike: Yeah, I know you don't. Come on. No one said you did. But, you know, neither of us can do this in a fucking vacuum.
Kareem: The torch has been passed. It's in my hand. And I will run shit my way.
Mike: Run shit the way you want to run it, Kareem. But what you do in here, that goes on the outside.
Kareem: And KPD will deal with what happens on the streets.
Mike: Fuckin -- you know how this works Kareem.
Kareem: KPD will deal with what happens out there.
Mike: Jesus Christ.
Kareem: And I will deal with the shit that happens inside my prison.
Mike: You can't fucking silo this. You know that.
Kareem: Yes I can. Yes I can. You don't have agency in here man. You're a civilian, bad enough. But you're a fucking ex-con. And if any of this shit comes to light, what you do, what've you've done. Any of it comes to light man, and everyone is compromised.
Mike: You're compromised, you mean.
Kareem: Look, I'm not going to risk my career to help you play fixer. I can't do that.
Mike: Okay, I hear you. You put me in a position that I don't want to fucking be in, though Kareem. Which is going to force you to be in a position that you don't want to be in. You understand?

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Mayor of Kingstown
Jeremy Renner
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Mayor of Kingstown Quotes, Jeremy Renner Quotes
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Mayor of Kingstown Quotes

The consequence of a riot is dismantling the illusion that prison is controlled by the guards. The consequence of putting down the riot is dismantling the leadership structure within the inmates. All that remains is chaos until a new leadership structure is created, and when there are no leaders inside, there are no leaders outside. All gangs are from prison because that's where all gangsters end up. And so is our new reality, and that reality is chaos.


My father used to say, I can't wait to get old, for my mind to soften, and my memories to rot away. The hardest thing to do is forget, forget the scars that life gives you, forget the scars you gave others. The challenge, then, is hiding a few memories worth keeping from your dying mind. He told me to keep a journal and only write down the good things. Then, when the bad things fade away, you can read about the happy life you had. But minds don't forget so easy, and the horror that we witness and endure takes root. Only madness and dementia can remove it.
