Rafa: I'm glad I met you, Katarina.
Kate: It's Kate. Please, call me Kate.
Rafa: I like Katarina, and you have no say in this.
Kate: Actually I think I can just ignore you.
Rafa: I am impossible to ignore.

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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 2 Episode 2: "In a Dark Time"
From Dusk Till Dawn
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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes, From Dusk Till Dawn Quotes
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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

The bonds are the map. I'm the map.


Let me tell you something, and I know that you habla íngles, so don't give me that look. I'm not your enemy, and I'm not your friend. I'm simply here for what's mine. Now I understand that it was yours, but due to the unwritten rules of this life that you chose, it now belongs to me, so I'm going to take it. This is who I am. Do you understand? This is what I do, but thank for your cooperation. Adios.
