Hoyt: I ain't never done it... with a girl I mean
Jessica: What have you done it with?
Hoyt: Just myself
Jessica: Oh ,so you're a virgin? Oh well, big whoop. So what?

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True Blood Season 2 Episode 7: "Release Me"
True Blood
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True Blood Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes, True Blood Quotes
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True Blood Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Eric: Tell me, what is that you find so fulfilling about human companionship?
Isabella: They feel much more strongly than we do. Everything is urgent, exciting. Maybe because their lives are so temporary
Eric: Yes, they certainly don't keep well. Do you have the prospect of him growing old, sickly, crippled somewhat repulsive?
Isbaella: No, I find it curious, like a science project

Sarah: Jason, I thought I loved Steve, but I never even knew what love was until you just showed me
Jason: Wow, that's uh.. intense