Tony: How long have you been standing there?
Ziva: Long enough to see that you are well-hydrated after your time in the desert.

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Anthony (Tony) DiNozzo, Ziva David
NCIS Season 7 Episode 2: "Reunion"
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Anthony (Tony) DiNozzo Quotes, Ziva David Quotes, NCIS Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes, NCIS Quotes
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NCIS Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

McGee: What are you doing? I'm not the sidekick.
Tony: I'm the boss when Gibbs isn't here.
Gibbs: Gibbs is here.

McGee: Face it, you think you're too good looking to be the sidekick.
Tony: According to women, I'm too good looking.
Ziva: Actually I find McGee the more handsome.