Chapel: This is what I appreciate about Dever. He and I are on the same page. Casual, no attachments, it’s just for fun, zero commitments page.
Ortegas: It’s more like a book than a page. And you said the same thing about that gal on Archulese-2.
Chapel: That was a misunderstanding. It was one time.
Ortegas: One very entertaining time.
Chapel: How is being chased by light phaser fire fun?

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 5: "Spock Amok"
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

T’Pring: We must prioritize our relationship.
Spock: Of course. I still have some diplomatic responsibilities I must dispense with before…
T’Pring: I expected no different.
Spock: You are disappointed.
T’Pring: I am realistic.

Vulcan Spock: What would you know of logic? You are a human, ruled by emotion.
Human Spock: No, I’m not human! I’m not!