Guy: I don't like tourists.
Rollins: What does that mean?
Guy: Honey, he's so far in the closet he's gone past Narnia.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 3: "Down Low in Hell's Kitchen"
Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 3 Quotes

Ken: I shouldn't even be telling you this much, but these men have wives.
Fin: They're on the down low. That's why he's targeting them. He knows they won't want to talk. Tell them we'll try to keep their case as confidential as possible.
Ken: I'm their advocate, not yours.

Benson [on phone]: Fin. I just heard from Mercy Hospital. Another black male, gay, tased.
Fin: Did he report?
Benson: No.
Fin: What are we supposed to do about it?