Denise: Hey hun, before you hop in there, could you do me a little favoronie and check the windshield wiper. I think I got something caught up there.
Dr. Cox: No problem. I got it.
Denise: (Turns on ambulance siren) Hahaha! I always get the newbies with that one! Hahahahaha got you! You know it!
Dr. Cox: When they strap me in please let them know the murder was just.

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Perry Cox, Denise Mahoney
Scrubs Season 4 Episode 8: "My Last Chance"
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Scrubs Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

EMT: Hey, did you leave anything in the ambulance?
Dr. Cox: Only my will to live, why?

Denise: Ooh, he's just such a cutie pie! Look at that! Have you ever had cutie pie, Perry?
Dr. Cox: No, 'course not.
Denise: I like it la mode.