Louis: Here's your death, Lestat. He and I are going to spend the rest of our lives together. Wherever your miserable life takes you. Whoever you find to endure time with. Whatever pale proxy of me. I'll be with him. I just wanted you to know that.
Lestat: Well. Enjoy it.

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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 8: "And That's the End of It. There's Nothing Else "
Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

I tasted the blood. I knew it was his. Why, I thought. Claudia is dead. I was dead. I was dead. But my rage. My rage had risen. Followed closely behind by my madness.


Daniel: Are they still there right now? In your feet?
Louis: If you took an x-ray, they'd look like little cancers.
Armand: He could remove them anytime he wanted to.
Daniel: Or maybe he has, and he's been lying to you all these years for effect.